Our first installment of this series, Maximizing Your Equipment Investment, covered the communication and setup of saw and fabrication equipment. Our second installment, Optimizing Your Equipment Investment, took the process to the table. Next up, it’s time to explore the ease of use that TrueBuild® Batch offers day in and day out. This software provides the user efficiency and total control to be as flexible as your operation requires.
TrueBuild® Batch offers a few different batch function options. You can create a Single Job Batch, Multi-Job Truss Batch, Multi-Job Batch, or Stacking Order. For this example, we will explore a Single Job Batch. Simply explore to the job, select the trusses from the list, and save the batch. Instant feedback delivers statistics for the batch. Easily drag and drop to adjust truss sequence. Color changes give a quick visual on which trusses have been batched.

After batches are saved, you are ready to build. If your plant uses paper reports, quickly and easily print all reports at once. Sequence and quantity control over reports gives you one-button convenience. Electronic files are saved in predetermined locations and ready to produce.

You can preview the projection mode or have a quick look at the setup details on any truss in your batch. The batch preview mode also gives a dashboard view with projected saw, setup, and fabrication time. All of this data is predicated on your plant and your process.

As you can see, TrueBuild® Batch is flexible enough to be as simple or as sophisticated as you need it to be. A powerful piece of software that bridges the gap between design and production, it is a great tool for truss fabricators to maximize the efficiency of automated equipment investments.
If you have any questions or want to learn more about this or any other piece of the TrueBuild® suite of software solutions, please contact me directly any time or visit www.eaglemetal.com.